Resource Survey Management (OPS - SLS)
Tenants must respond to the Solidarity Rent Supplement (SLS) or Occupation du Parc Social (OPS) surveys, the law obliges social landlords to carry out these surveys with the beneficiaries of social housing. The ADOC Solutions teams support you in carrying out these missions:

Account Information: The account number and identifying information of the account holder.
Opening and Closing Balance: The statement typically shows the account balance at the beginning of the period covered by the statement (opening balance) and the balance at the end of that period (closing balance).
Transactions: The statement lists all transactions that occurred on the account during the period covered. This may include deposits, withdrawals, card payments, checks issued or cashed, transfers, bank fees, interest credited, etc.
Transaction Dates: Each transaction is dated, allowing the account holder to track the history of their financial activity.
Current Balance: After each transaction, the statement typically displays the current balance of the account.
Additional Information: Some statements may also include additional information such as interest rates, detailed bank fees, financial advice, etc.
Bank statements are important tools for customers to monitor their finances, verify transactions, and detect fraudulent or unauthorized activity. They are often required for personal financial record keeping, as well as to substantiate transactions or balances to third parties, such as lenders or government agencies.